Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research
(Inaugurated: 29-2-2000)

sacar hall




SACAR Birthday Messages

On this occasion of second anniversary of SACAR, I convey heartiest greetings and best wishes to everyone involved with SACAR and Sri Aurobindo Darshan: University of Tomorrow. My journey with TUT began with a sense of offering. It is only now that I realize TUT is a knowledge tree under which I am going to get dynamic shelter for the years to come. TUT is a practical medium to equip oneself with knowledge to live life to the fullest extent with a new outlook. I think it is the lack of my poetic expression and inability to write in a more literary way that stops me from conveying what I really what to express about TUT. One thing I would like surely like to say is that though one may face several difficulties in life mostly because of one's mental and vital nature, life is not going to be same for someone who has studied at TUT.

We the students of TUT sincerely pray to the Divine Mother to give us the strength to remain sincere to Her, have dynamic faith in Her, and Surrender to Her. Happy Birthday, SACAR!

Kannappan S. (Completed the OP in June 2007, currently enrolled in Science of Living Programme).

sacarThe second anniversary of SACAR, falling on the extra day in this leap year, signifies a leap forward for me in the deepening of my understanding and practice of Integral Yoga since beginning my studies at SACAR this past November.  Just as the leap year day is essential to maintain the alignment of the calendar with the earth’s motion around the sun, SACAR and Sri Aurobindo Darshan: The University of Tomorrow were founded, and serve their mission, to facilitate the learners in actualizing the alignment of their true nature with the forces of harmony and unity.  With the substantial foundation of Sri Aurobindo’s thought that I am given at The University of Tomorrow, I can read issues of New Race with an enhanced clarity of understanding unavailable to me before I began my in-depth studies.  The diversity of articles in each issue consistently reflects a rich interdisciplinary scholarship and futuristic perspective that have emerged from the visions and experiences of Sri Aurobindo.  The authors continue to provide insights into the relevance of this profound knowledge, while furthering my understanding of its application in solving the age old problems of humanity.  Congratulations to the TUT, SACAR and New Race for marking this leap forward.

Jackie Barshak (Current learner in the OP)

I feel the breath of Grace in making me associate with these futuristic institutions which are striving for 'Divinising Manhood'.

Our Master visualised a paradigm shift in the content, orientation and application of education for our children and youth. I am reminded of the words of Prof .Madhusudana Reddy, who wrote to the Mother that the University's aim will be 'to focus on the future ways for an endless expansion of knowledge in order to speed up the process of evolving the present type of humanity into a spiritualised humanity.' While the present day world is focusing only on the globalisation of the economy, our Master and the Mother have already sown the seeds for the spiritualisation of  the entire globe in Auroville.
Do we not see the Divine Purpose behind these institutions celebrating their 'birthdays' in this special month of February?  If TUT and SACAR are the Purusha, the personification of Divine Knowledge, the Auroville is the dynamic Shakti in order to hasten the advent of creation of a New Race. Our master once noted that he had definitely commenced "a kind of work with spiritual basis, a work of spiritual, social, cultural and economic reconstruction of an almost revolutionary kind and even making or at least supervising a sort of practical or laboratory experiment." (Letter to Balakrishna Shivaram Munje  Aug 30, 1920).

In this experiment, they have sacrificed themselves and the Mother has fulfilled her promise of opening up of the golden gate with golden hammer to shower us with the flood of Supramental Realisation half a entury ago. The onus is on us now and here.
The only birth day gift which we can give to these institutions and the Mother is to fulfil the conditions for Supramental Realisation in Oneself, try to become the 'pioneers', consecrate ourselves and leave the rest to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Shantha Rajan (Completed the OP in 2006)

Birthday Greetings to SACAR!
Happy Birthday SACAR, and warm greetings to Sri Aurobindo Darshan: The University of Tomorrow! Traditionally in the United States one may say “many happy returns” at the time of a birthday celebration. The returns each of us receives from being part of the SACAR family are eternal, life changing, and positive for the good of all humanity.  This institution, birthed through the love for the Truth and devotion to the divine, is a continuous source of support and guidance and gives each of us reason to celebrate each day! As a graduate from Antioch McGregor University in Ohio, USA, a partner institute with SACAR, I feel privileged to be considered part of the SACAR family. The wings of my heart soar with the feelings of jubilation to celebrate something that is truly worthy of rejoicing!

Susan L McCain
Completed several SACAR courses in 2005-07 offered in collaboration with Antioch University, USA.